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The 7th step
Take the jack out after fixing the bolts well, and then put it under the other side.
Fix by repeating steps.
The 4th step
Adjust the 4WD switch knob of the front wheel to the lock position, and then switch on the 4WD.
The 3rd step
Install the front wheel.
Put the jack under the chassis of one front wheel to lift the car up, and then remove the wheel.
The 1st step
Prepare tools. The tools along with car can serve for installation.
The 6th step
Adjust the height of jack to ensure the outside holes of connecting plate align the install holes of rubber track driving assembly.
The 2nd step
Pull the handbrake up, and inspect if the handbrake indicating light is on to ensure be safe.
The 5th step
Fix the connecting plate on the hub with the car's original nuts.